Friday, September 21, 2012

To sleep, purchance to dream.... One of those days..... It would be great if I could snap my fingers and have a great new life. Today I've been thinking about why I have made such rotten choices in my life. Love. It has to do with just wanting to be loved, wanted and needed. Couldn't say no, try to be everything I think they want. Then sprinkle in tragic happenings and it makes for a crazy, messed up me. I have been through so much and keep trying to put one foot in front of the other. I'm tired, hopeless. I thought moving here in the middle of my kids would be fantastic but I see my kids less now than I did in Lyman. Right now I am left with no one. Trying to keep i together for Tony's sake. The reason I am writing like this is I don't believe anyone reads my post except one person. She will understand. How do I get over not searching for love, friendships and family? Now that is the question.


  1. I left a comment last night but it doesn't look like it went through. Never, never,never give up. Hope you have fun today. Good luck, and call me if I can help.

    1. Thank you so much Maggie. It helps just to know you are there and you care!!!

  2. Geez Edyth, I had no idea that anyone else read what I wrote!! Thank you for your kindness and thoughtfulness! I really do appreciate the fact that someone cares enough to keep up with me. I'm still putting one foot in front of the other and some days better than others. I hope you are doing well. Miss our friendship!!!

  3. I read all your posts!!!! I love you momma!
